Our aim is to foster an understanding of the experiences and challenges related to childhood development and to provide information for parents, educators and agencies to enable them work to work together to improve the lives of children.
Here are some quick links for educators, parents, students, and professional caregivers:
Our Projects, Our People and Our Partners
Our Work and Research section describes our current research initiatives associated with this project
The Questionnaires section contains two sets of questionnaires: one set that covers the birth to six years age range, and another that covers the six to 12 years age range. Each set covers motor, cognitive, social, emotional and cognitive development.
Also, each set is available in the following languages: English, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Farsi, Spanish, Punjabi, and Vietnamese.
Our Course on Early and Middle Childhood Intervention is divided into two main sections: birth to six years and six to 12 years. Each section covers the following:
- Typical development
- Atypical development
- Most common developmental disabilities and risk factors associated with delayed development
- Most professionals associated with the field of early and middle childhood intervention
- A “Parent Section” designed to help parents make sense of the content of the course
An extensive list of local, national and international resources, which includes but is not limited to:
- Libraries and professional associations in British Columbia
- General resources and materials
- “Condition-specific” websites (e.g. websites for those interested in Down Syndrome or autism)
- A comprehensive list of general and specific child development and special education books
- A list of child development and special education DVDs
Other sections of this website contain:
- A geographic healthcare locator that guides families to the public health unit that is closest to them
- A PDF version of all questionnaires and resources
We hope you find this website user-friendly and we hope the content is helpful and meaningful to you.