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2 responses to “Contact”

  1. Toni Alsford

    To whom it may concern,
    I work for a not-for-profit organisation who develop and present health seminars to audiences in New Zealand. We were wondering if we could reproduce Figure 1 on the webpage about foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (http://blogs.ubc.ca/middlechildhoodintervention2/category/2-1-children-with-nervous-system-disorders-fatal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-fasd/) in our presentation slides and potentially in handouts for the audience members. We think the image will really help people to visualise the characteristic physical features that can be associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. We would also like to include the image in a report to support a description of these physical features. The report addresses how fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are dealt with in New Zealand and it will most likely be made freely available on our website http://www.reality-health.org . The seminars are presented to small audiences of up to 30 people — usually groups of high school students or parents.

    I look forward to hearing whether this is a possibility. We are, of course, happy to cite the source of the image in accordance with your preferences.

    Kind regards,
    Toni Alsford

    1. mpighini

      Dear Toni, it has taken a year before we are back responding to comments; but we are gradually catching up! The image you refer is creative commons and it has permission to share and edit for non-commercial purposes. We do hope you were able to use it!

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Including all Children and Families Expanding Partnerships Project
273-2125 Main Mall
Faculty of Education - Library Block Building,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604-827-5513

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