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Autism Society Library
The library has lots of resources, books and DVDs that can be shipped for free to any location in the province, to members only.

Family Resource Library at Children’s Hospital/Sunny Hill Library
This is the library of BC children’s hospital. It is accessible to all.

Family Support Institute
The institute has books, videos and other material available to borrow. The library is located in New Westminster.
http://www.familysupportbc.com/resources#Library Resources

Library of the BC Epilepsy Society
The library has books and videos that are available for free to members. Non members have to pay a small fee.

Library of the CP Association of BC
The library lends books to members. This is an extensive library that has books about every aspect of cerebral palsy.

Lower Mainland Down Syndrome Society Library
The library has books about various topics that involve Down syndrome.

West Coast Child Care Resource Center
The center has material that is available to anyone residing or working in the city of Vancouver, and to all ECE students, even those who do not live in Vancouver.


BC Society of Occupational Therapists
402-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6J 4S5
Phone: (604)736-5645 OR TOLL FREE (888) 736-5645
Fax: (604) 736-5606
This is a basic occupational therapy website that is based in BC. It introduces you to occupational therapy and helps you find an occupational therapist in your area.

BC Association for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
402-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6J 4S5
Phone: (604) 420-2222 OR TOLL FREE (877) 222-7572
Fax: (604) 736-5606
This is a basic website that contains information about speech therapy and audiology services in BC. It also includes information on how to find a professional in your area.

Canadian Occupational Therapy Association
This is a basic occupational therapy website. It has general information about occupational therapy in Canada. It also has an “ask an OT” section where you can send an email with an OT questions you might have and a qualified OT will attempt to answer it.

Canadian Physiotherapy Association
This website has general information about physiotherapy. It also contains information about local PT associations.

Physiotherapy Association of BC
402-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6J 4S5
Phone: (604) 736-5130
Fax: (604) 736-5606
This is a basic physio-therapy website. It contains information about PT and how to find a physiotherapist.

School Psychology Resources Online
This site has a lot of information about professional resources for many types of disabilities. The main site will connect you to major websites for every disability featured and will give you the basics about that disability.


British Columbia (BC)

Aboriginal Infant Development Program of BC (AIDP)
This is the main website for the Aboriginal Infant Development Program of BC. It describes the program to you and allows to locate the AIDP office that is closest to you.

Anxiety BC
This is a local website that offers people residing in British Columbia with a wide variety of resources on anxiety based disorders. In addition to selling videos and DVDs on anxiety based disorders, the website provides descriptions of these disorders, as well as general resources in the province of BC.

BC Family Resource Programs
106-2590 Granville street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3H1
Phone: (604) 738-0068, Fax: (604) 738-0058
This website introduces you to community based family resource programs. It mainly seeks to strengthen and empower families within their communities. It aims to help families offer children the best for optimal development.

BC Ministry of Education
This is the BC ministry of education’s main website for main disorders. It has a lot of useful tips and strategies for classroom teachers, for many types of disorders.

BC Ministry of Education’s IEP Site
This site is part of the ministry of education’s special education division. It tells you everything you ever wanted to know about IEPs. It tells you what they are, why they are used and gives you samples of IEPs as well.

Campbell River Area Family Network/Aboriginal Infant Development Program
This website connects the user to the Aboriginal Infant Development Program and other resources for Aboriginal people, in the Kelowna area.

Children First
This is a website that aims at helping BC families with small children through a number of initiatives. Although it does not provide direct services, it can help families get services that are identified by community planning.

Fraser Health/Early Childhood Screening
This website connects the user to wide array of services for parents who have young children, with and without special needs. It specifically targets populations that fall in the “Fraser Health” catchment area. Services offered include early hearing screening and information about dental health and nutrition

Infant Development Program of BC (IDP)
This is the main website for the Infant Development Program of BC. It describes the program to you and allows to locate the IDP office that is closest to you.

Kelowna Community Resources/Aoriginal Infant Development Program
This website connects the user to the Aboriginal Infant Development Program and other resources for Aboriginal people, in the Kelowna area.

Langley Child Development Center/Infant Development and Aboriginal Infant Development Programs
This main website connects the user to the Infant Development and Aboriginal Infant Development Programs in the Langley area. It also connects the user to a wide variety of resources in the area.

The “Safe Spaces” Bullying Prevention Program for Young Children
This program, which is part of the west coast child care resource center, offers a lot of information on how to help children protect themselves from being bullied. The website offers information on upcoming workshops, and how one can become a “safe spaces” facilitator.

Special Education Technology – British Columbia
This website is all about technology and how it can assist students with different types of special needs. Parts of this website are still under construction, but when they become available, students will different types of special needs and educators will be able to access digital or alternate formats of the BC school curriculum.

Supported Child Development Program of BC
This is the main website for the Supported Child Development Program. It will give you information about this program and allow you to access the Supported Child Development agency that is closest to you.

Outside of BC

Attachment Parenting Canada
This website provides parents with evidence-based information regarding how to best deal with their children.

Bandaides and Blackboards
This is a really cool site that connects you to all sorts of other websites. The Parent section has a lot of stories of parents of children with special needs describing their journeys with their special children. The child section has stories of children talking about being teased and telling or not telling their friends that they have a special need. There is also a teen section. This is a truly amazing website.

BroadReach Training and Resources
This is the official Norm and Emma Kunc website. Norm Kunc is perhaps best known for the “credo for support” that he and his wife Emma developed. The user can access the “credo for support” video, as well as other videos, from this website. The website also offers a lot of information on advocacy for individuals with special needs and their families.

The Canadian Pediatric Society
This is a website that offers a lot of useful information about children’s health. Such information includes child safety, immunization and injury prevention information.

Center for Effective Parenting
This website provides a lot of basic information about child development and early childhood education. It contains a lot of downloadable and printable hand-outs, about a wide variety of topics, that both parents and teachers can use.

The Center for Separated Families
This website discusses the subject of separation and divorce. It gives parents advice as to how to tell their children that “Mommy and Daddy” won’t be living together anymore. It also tells parents how other parents felt when they went through a divorce or a separation. The site also tells parents how their children might feel, depending on their age and maturity level, when told that the parents are separating or getting a divorce.

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
This website is part of Vanderbilt University. It has a lot of useful information about the importance of social/emotional development to the early years of development (and beyond), as well as variety of resources that parents and service providers can access. This website also describes the “Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness is an Australian organization that provides information for family members with a parent who has a mental illness and for people who care for and work with them. They also work with the media, researchers, educators, service organisations, consumers, caregivers and others.

Their website contains a storytelling section where people can share their experiences. The stories will be collected and put into a booklet that will be available for download.

Competence in Infants and Young Children”.

Children with Challenging Behaviors
This PDF document contains invaluable information for anyone who works with a child who has difficult behaviors. The document contains information for parents and teachers, and provides tips for helping these children, as well as list of resources.

The Council for Exceptional Children
This is the official website of the council of exceptional children. It has a lot of resources for special and regular education teachers. Unfortunately, most of these resources are only available to members.

The Division for Early Childhood
This is part of the council of exceptional children. It has a lot of information that could provide support to children who either have or are at risk for having developmental delays. This website has a lot of forms and checklists that can be downloaded, free of charge.

The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
This is a website from the University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning. It describes what children at different ages need to know in order to be proficient readers. It also provides a lot on information on reading efficiency.

Empathic Parenting
This is a Canadian based website that provides information and advice on how to best parent your child. It also offers a FREE online parenting course and has links to other useful websites.

Empower the Village
This is an amazing website that shows parents of young children how they can stimulate their children’s development, in all developmental areas. The website covers a variety of topics and offers parents information on some disorders and conditions. Highly recommended

Exceptional Parent Magazine
This website provides information, support and encouragement for families of children with special needs, and the professionals who work with them. You have to sign in once and then you can access all sorts of information.

Family Village
This website is a global community of disability-related resources. Based in Wisconsin, it has information on just about every condition one can think of. For each condition, there are resources that include websites and phone numbers. Although many of these resources are US based, quite a few are Canadian based. It also tells you where to go to chat with people who may have or who may know someone who has the disability you are researching.

Fussy Baby
This website is quite useful to any parent of a small child. It contains information about fussy babies and offers useful tips to parents as to how they can handle their fussy baby. This website has a discussion forum for parents and others who deal with fussy babies. It also connects you to other websites that might be of use to you.

Healthy Children
This website is run by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It offers a variety of articles, tips and advice on the health and development of children, from birth through the teen years. It discusses issues pertinent to growth and development, personality and social skills, as well as issues related to school.

Healthy Eating and Active Living
This is an Alberta-based website that discusses how parents can instill healthy eating and active living habits in their six to twelve year old children. It is very well designed and can be shared with children who are in their middle childhood years.

Healthy Eating for Six to Twelve Year Olds
This nice website introduces six to twelve year olds to healthy eating habits. It discusses the importance of each meal and lists the types of foods that are good for the growing body.

Home Safety Checklist
This one page PDF file contains information about home safety. It offers suggestions that can help make any home baby and child safe.

The Incredible Years
This website has a lot of information about children’s social/emotional development and how one can address a child’s serious behavioral difficulties. The website offers information executive function and emotional regulation and how we can help children develop these very important skills.

Inspirational Articles and Poems
This wonderful and extremely inspiring website provides a lot of great poems and articles that are written by parents of children with a wide variety of special needs. From classics like “welcome to Holland” to heart-wrenching poems like “where are all the parents”, this website is must-visit to anyone working with young children with special needs and their families. What is best about this website is that you are hearing straight from the parents, not a service provider, or someone who does not have a child with special needs. Highly recommended

The Inter-Disciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders
This is a great website that introduces parents and interventionists to the “floor time” therapeutic approach. It describes the approach and allows you to purchase a number of useful resources and books.

International Society on Infant Studies
This website offers general information about current trends and research studies in the field of infant development. It also contains information about upcoming events and conferences that have a focus on infant development.

Kids Health
This website discusses most major issues related to the health and development of the individual, from birth until the end of the teen years. It has three main sections: a parent, a kid and a teen section. The parent section discusses child development issues and presents parents with practical solutions to everyday difficulties they may encounter with their growing child. The kid section discusses health issues, in a child-friendly manner, and shows how the body grows and develops. The teen section discusses issues that are important to most teens, including what happens to the body during the teen years, and dealing with sexuality and drugs.

Mayo Clinic’s Diseases and Conditions
This website is a great introduction to most major genetic syndromes and conditions. It is a good place to start, if a person wants to learn about a certain genetic conditions.

The Natural Child Project
This is a great website for any parent. It offers a lot of advice and information about raising healthy children.

PBS: The Secret Life of the Brain
This is a great part of the PBS child development website, that informs users about the human brain, how and when it develops, and what each part of the brain is responsible for. The website offers a 3D image of the brain that shows very clearly what the brain consists of. Highly recommended.

P.E. Central
This is a great website that shows parents and teachers of children with special needs how they can modify some basic sports, in order to allow children with special needs to be included in those sports. There are a lot of free videos that parents, teachers and children can watch.

Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets
This website presents basic information about different kinds of disorders, their definitions and characteristics, as well as some rating scales.

Promoting Relationships and Preventing Violence
This is a great website that contains a lot of information about bullying, for children of all ages. It also offers information to teachers, parents and anyone who works with children. There are also a few anti-bullying videos you can watch.

Professional Training Resources Library
This website contains a web based library of resources that are useful for both parents and professionals.

Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence
This website contains a lot of useful information about bullying, for children, teens and grown-ups. It offers a lot of documents that can be downloaded and saved, and also offers videos that can be seen through youtube.

The Rick Lavoie Website
This is a great website for parents of children with learning disabilities. Mr. Lavoie has been working with children with learning disabilities for a long time, and is perhaps best known for the great workshop he once developed, called: How difficult can this be? Understanding learning disabilities. Since then, he has produced a number of videos and books that look at all aspects of learning disabilities. One such video is “last one picked first one picked on: learning disabilities and social skills. The website also includes an “articles” section that includes a lot of useful and inspirational information about having a learning disability and being the parent of a child with special needs.

The Speech Sound Development Chart
This PDF document provides detailed information about when children typically develop different speech sounds that are part of the English language. It includes “easy” sounds such as the “b” sound, as well as “more difficult” sounds, such as the “zh” sound.

UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities
This website has a number of resources that are available to both families and service providers. It also has information about public policy and early childhood education.

The World Association for Infant Mental Health
This is a professional website that offers general information about infant mental health. It also provides information about upcoming events and conferences, about issues related to infant mental health, all around the world.

Zero to Three
This is an awesome and professional website that contains a lot of very useful information about the first three years of life. In addition to providing useful research-based journal articles, it contains a lot of practical information about working with and caring for young children with special needs.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Including all Children and Families Expanding Partnerships Project
273-2125 Main Mall
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Tel: 604-827-5513

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