This section includes PowerPoint and PDF presentations, research slides, workshop materials and streaming video content.
In this page you will find descriptions and presentations from the events entitled “Assessment Workshop” (now “Assessment Conference”) since 2003. These workshops have been held annually as “track days” prior to the annual conference of the Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia (ECEBC) on the campus of the University of British Columbia. The workshops have been offered with the past collaboration and support of ECEBC and the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), the Infant Development Program of British Columbia (IDP of BC), and the Supported Child Development Program of BC and continue to work in collaboration with steering committee members that are community members and/or affiliated with one of the following programs/agencies: The Psycho-educational Research Training Centre at UBC (PRTC), the Institute for Research in Early Childhood Education at UBC (IECER), Child Care (Out-of-School) Services at UBC, Aboriginal Infant Development Program of BC, and Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC PO . The conference presenters include a team of early childhood educators, elementary school teachers, professionals in the health and mental health fields and university professors who share their visions on the many different formal and informal ways of assessing children’s cognitive, physical, motor, language, and social-emotional development. Assessment Conference (Formerly: “Assessment Workshops)
- 2016 Assessment Conference
- Recorded version of the conference
- The Power of Early Intervention by Laranna Androsoff
- Cultural Safety and Access to Services in Early Intervention by Kelly L’Hirondelle
- The “Child’s Circle of Support” by Nadine Gagné-L’Hirondelle
- Fostering Early Development by Lesley Rappard
- Fostering Early Development by Meghan-Hafting
- 2015 Assessment Workshop
- 2014 Assessment Workshop
- 2013 Assessment Workshop
- 2012 Assessment Workshop
- 2011 Assessment Workshop
- 2010 Assessment Workshop
- 2009 Assessment Workshop
- 2008 Assessment Workshop
- 2007 Assessment Workshop
- 2006 Assessment Workshop
- 2005 Assessment Workshop
- 2004 Assessment Workshop
- 2003 Assessment Workshop