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Questionnaire Series

This website offers a series of pre-screening questionnaires, to be used by families of children with and without identifiable special needs and the professionals who work with them. The questionnaires are divided into three main sections: Micro, Meso and Exo, following Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model.

The Micro questionnaire covers the development of children who are between the ages of birth to 12 years in the following areas:

  • Motor development
  • Social/emotional development
  • Intellectual (cognitive) development
  • Language development
  • Adaptive development

The Meso questionnaire asks parents and professionals questions about emotional well-being and how well a family is coping with a child’s disorder or diagnosis.

The Exo questionnaire asks parents and professionals about availability of resources and funds, in their areas.

The questionnaires are available in the following languages: English, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Farsi, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The questionnaires will help parents and professionals get a general idea about how well a child is doing, in all developmental areas. They will also guide the users to the public health unit that is closest to the child’s place of residence. Parents are encouraged to contact their public health nurse as soon as possible, if, after filling out these questionnaires, they feel that their child is not developing typically.

Parents and professionals can fill out the Micro and Meso questionnaires, and then print them out. They do not need to give out any identifying information, such as their names or email addresses. When it comes to the Exo questionnaire, parents and professionals are asked to fill out the questionnaire and  submit the answers, along with the first three digits of their postal code. This will help us determine which services are available which area, and what is lacking in terms of services, in different geographic locations, in the province of BC.


2 responses to “Questionnaire Series”

  1. Dawn Grunert

    I am interested in asking a family I work with to complete the questionnaire. There first language is Vietnamese. If they complete the questionnaire in Vietnamese, can they request the results in Vietnamese and English if they want to share the information with me?
    Thank you,

    1. mpighini

      Dear Dawn, The questionnaires in different languages are for parents to complete on their own and validate their concerns; they were conceived as a needs-assessment based, in contrast to diagnostic or even screening tools. The way these resources are offered on this website are for families to follow up with a professional who would wither speak Vietnamese or work with a translator. If this is not possible, then the professional would sit with the family using the English version that mimics the Vietnamese and see what are the items – and responses – the family has selected and go from there to services they may require – e.g., early intervention through IDP/AIDP, Supported Child Development, therapies, counselling, etc. with the support of the professional involved. I hope this helps.

      I am very sorry it has taken one month to respond to your comment.From now on, I should be able to address users’ comments on a weekly basis. Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience.
      Mari Pighini

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Including all Children and Families Expanding Partnerships Project
273-2125 Main Mall
Faculty of Education - Library Block Building,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604-827-5513

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